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Art Team Building

Prospect’s creative team building challenges your people with a facilitated art project.

Fun and fast-paced, you’ll develop team skills while creating a large-scale art piece that can be displayed in your workplace as a memento.

Watch these videos to see our art-based team building in action:

Studio C 100-person Team Building w/ ATB Financial from Studio C on Vimeo.

Transform Your Team @ Studio C from Studio C on Vimeo.


  • Enhance communication and collaboration skills.
  • Foster team bonding and understanding.
  • Unleash team creativity and innovation.
  • Create a unique artwork for your office.
  • Boost team morale and motivation.

Ready to transform your team through art-based team building activities?

Contact us to plan your customized team building experience: employerservices@prospectnow.ca or call 1.877.483.2562

funder-logo  The Co-operators
funder-logo Alberta Health Services
funder-logo Calgary Arts Development
funder-logo Calgary Learns
funder-logo CIBC
funder-logo CIBC Foundation
funder-logo Prairies Economic Development Canada
funder-logo Rise
funder-logo Support Our Troops
funder-logo The Calgary Foundation
funder-logo The Government of Alberta
funder-logo The Government of Canada
funder-logo United Way
Prospect Human Services is a registered charity.