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Interview Skills

March 13 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Virtual event using Zoom

Ace Your Interview and Land the Job!

How do you effectively sell yourself in an interview? This workshop will provide you with the tools to stand out, including preparation techniques, strategies for answering various types of interview questions with confidence, and tips for navigating the critical post-interview follow-up process.

Build your skills and leave a lasting impression that sets you apart from other candidates!

Virtual event using Zoom

March 13 from 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

funder-logo  The Co-operators
funder-logo Alberta Health Services
funder-logo Calgary Arts Development
funder-logo Calgary Learns
funder-logo CIBC
funder-logo CIBC Foundation
funder-logo Prairies Economic Development Canada
funder-logo Rise
funder-logo Support Our Troops
funder-logo The Calgary Foundation
funder-logo The Government of Alberta
funder-logo The Government of Canada
funder-logo United Way
Prospect Human Services is a registered charity.