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Outdoor Team Building

Prospect’s outdoor team building workshops offer experiential learning in an outdoor classroom for growth and connection.

Activities are adaptable for all ages and abilities, and can be customized to meet your objectives. Sample activities include:

Sample Activities include:

  • Geocaching
  • Rafting
  • Nature photography tours
  • Guided hikes


  • Boosted self-confidence and self-awareness.
  • Strengthened relationships for improved teamwork.
  • Positive attitudes and increased productivity.
  • Enhanced risk mitigation skills.
  • Higher job satisfaction among staff.

Let Prospect help your team thrive in the great Alberta outdoors!

Contact us to plan your customized team building experience: employerservices@prospectnow.ca or call 1.877.483.2562

funder-logo  The Co-operators
funder-logo Alberta Health Services
funder-logo Calgary Arts Development
funder-logo Calgary Learns
funder-logo CIBC
funder-logo CIBC Foundation
funder-logo Prairies Economic Development Canada
funder-logo Rise
funder-logo Support Our Troops
funder-logo The Calgary Foundation
funder-logo The Government of Alberta
funder-logo The Government of Canada
funder-logo United Way
Prospect Human Services is a registered charity.