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Youth Work Experience Program

Finding and training new employees can be costly. Prospect’s paid Youth Work Experience Program provides employers an opportunity to train and develop a potential long-term employee while having a portion of those costs covered.

Program participants - youth with disabilities aged between 18-30 - are placed with local employers into entry level positions in the retail sales and service, food service, administration, hospitality/tourism, production/manufacturing and agricultural sectors within Calgary, Alberta and the surrounding area.

By providing participants with valuable on-the-job experience on how to be a ‘good’ employee, employers have an opportunity to contribute to building a better future for youth, their organization, sector, and the economic future of Alberta.

How long is the program?

The program lasts for the duration of the probation period to a maximum of 360 hours.

This is approximately 30 hours a week for 3 months.

What happens at the end of their probation period?

As this is a work experience program, there is no expectation of employment at the end of the probationary period. However, if the youth has performed well and you want to hire them on an on-going basis and they want to continue their employment, your normal hiring processes would apply.

Are there additional risks involved with hiring participants?

No, anyone hired through the program is your employee. As with other employees, you are expected to follow Employment Standards of Alberta and have current WCB coverage in place.

How much is the reimbursement per participant?

Prospect will reimburse employers to a maximum of $16.72 per hour per participant, which includes 4% vacation pay and benefits.

What’s the outcome of the program?

The program aims at providing participants work experience and training with the intent of meeting their learning goals during the period of the program.

What are learning goals?

Each participant has specific employment learning goals based on their interests, experience, and skills.

These are pre-established goals that they work towards that will equip them for the workplace and for their chosen industry.

What is expected from me as an employer?

Prospect staff will request updates on training and work experience. For example, we may ask for concrete examples of learning outcomes or to see how they’re progressing on their goals.

What do employers need to do to be reimbursed?

Employers will need to submit monthly payment claims. The claims need to accurately record the hours of which the participant worked and was paid.

Claims must be submitted to Prospect within 5 business days of the month end along with supporting payroll records.

I’m an employer, how can I get started?

funder-logo  The Co-operators
funder-logo Alberta Health Services
funder-logo Calgary Arts Development
funder-logo Calgary Learns
funder-logo CIBC
funder-logo CIBC Foundation
funder-logo Prairies Economic Development Canada
funder-logo Rise
funder-logo Support Our Troops
funder-logo The Calgary Foundation
funder-logo The Government of Alberta
funder-logo The Government of Canada
funder-logo United Way
Prospect Human Services is a registered charity.